I Am She

Positive & Empowering Affirmations for Women to Awaken and Celebrate the Divine Feminine and Sacred Heritage of The Goddess Within

#1 New Release on Amazon!

I Am She is a beautifully illustrated affirmation book to guide women on a journey of deep self-discovery of their true nature as The Goddess. With stunning full-color illustrations and inspiring channeled affirmations, I Am She is a cherished keepsake for women of all ages. This book is for any woman who seeks to honor her sacred heritage and awaken to the truth of her higher wisdom, inner power, eternal beauty, and divine feminine nature.

About the book

From maiden, mother, and crone, every woman embodies The Goddess Within. Many of us have lost our way through the maze of worldly distractions and disempowering messaging. We search for truth, meaning, connection, and inner strength. Many of us are beginning to awaken and remember the love, light, beauty, and truth of who we are as sisters who walk the priestess path together. We hold the dreams of Divinity within our collective memories. The more we awaken and proclaim our power, we radiate our Light to help others remember. Women are the face of grace and the body of the Divine. We are the unified hearts for humanity to heal. It is time for us to rise and remember these ancient truths and reclaim our divine destiny!

The affirmations

The affirmations in this book are love messages from Divinity. Each affirmation contains an energetically encoded message to help women awaken to the remembrance of their divine feminine nature and Goddess Within.

For all women of the world

Set aside your worries of worthiness, fears of the future, and disbelief of your true and radiant divine feminine nature. If you want to see your life more clearly and open your heart and inner vision to the truth of who you are as an infinite, eternal expression of The Goddess, this book will help you remember.

I Am She is a call to all women to embrace their divine feminine heritage and step into their destiny. By standing in our power and radiating our Light, we create a brighter future for all.

If you're a woman who is ready to proclaim the love, light, beauty, wisdom, and truth of who you are, this book is a must-read!

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