Quantum Energy Healing

For People and Pets

Amplify your healing from anywhere in the world!

What Do You

Need to Heal?

If your current healthcare or holistic healing services have left you feeling like something is missing, you could be right. YOU may need something more.

I help people make healing shifts in their lives. These shifts are often experienced as life-changing transformations.

Quantum Energy Healing with Shannon MacDonald, reiki master, Daytona Beach, FL

What is Quantum Energy Healing?

Quantum Energy Healing is a whole-person approach to help your mind, body, and soul align with your highest healing and infinite potentials. These remarkable healing sessions provide a Soul-to-Soul connection to help you or someone you love harmonize with the organizing frequencies of Higher Consciousness to support optimal healing and spiritual awakening. This often life-transforming Quantum Connection can help release energetic blocks, awaken dormant abilities, and transform disempowering patterns that may be keeping you from experiencing your most vital, authentic, empowered life.

Reiki and Quantum Healing

My clients are often curious about the differences between Reiki and Quantum Energy Healing. I have been a Reiki Master for over two decades. It was an important foundation to build and expand my abilities as a metaphysical healer.

Over the years, I have personally found that Quantum Energy Healing opens a door to higher healing than my traditional Reiki sessions.

Why Quantum Healing?

 Because health, happiness, and wholeness are your true nature!

Beyond the physical you is the eternal you, flowing within the quantum Consciousness of infinite possibilities and limitless potentials. Your body already knows how to heal. Quantum Energy Healing will help bring your mind and body to a higher energetic resonance to help facilitate optimal healing for mind, body, and soul.

  • All of my healing sessions are facilitated remotely. I do not need to be in your physical location for your healing to be amazing!

    60 Min Distance Healing Session

    If you schedule the 60-minute session we will connect for the first 10 to 15 minutes of your healing session via video call. This gives us an opportunity to meet each other and for you to ask questions.

    I will not be able to answer any medically related questions. This is between you and your medical professional. After our "meet and greet," we will end our call, and your healing session will begin!

    Your healing time will be approximately 30 - 40 minutes. I invite you to sit or lie down and relax in a place with minimal distractions and make an intention for your highest healing. This will be a perfect time for you to relax and meditate while basking in the healing frequencies.

    It is not unusual for clients to experience such a deep state of relaxation that they fall asleep. Don’t worry about this; it is perfectly normal. You will still receive the benefits of your healing whether you are awake or asleep.

    Many of my clients experience energy fluctuations in their bodies during their healing sessions. This is also normal. I will explain this more before we begin.

    After your session, this is a perfect opportunity for you to continue to relax and reflect on anything that may have come up for you for as long as possible.

    You will be invited to email me within 24 hours of your completed session to schedule a 10-minute follow-up call. This call is included as a part of your 60-minute session if you so choose, but it is not required. The call is offered as a closure to your session, to share any insights you may have had, and to answer additional questions. I will not be able to interpret anything you may have experienced or offer any medical advice. In conclusion, I will offer some suggestions regarding how you can support your continued healing.

    30 min. Quantum Healing Distance Session

    If you are schoduling for a pet, are a repeat client or don’t have the time for a 60-minute session, this 30-minute distance healing session is just the ticket! Get comfortable and relax from the comfort of your own space. We will not connect online before your session. Get ready, this is a full-on 30-minute Distance Healing Session designed just for you! You will be invited to connect with me via email after your session is complete.

  • My Quantum Energy Healing Subscription is designed as an affordable option for clients who may not have the time or budget for one-on-one sessions.

    With my exclusive membership subscription, you will receive one Group Quantum Energy Healing Distance Session at the designated date and time every month. All active members receive the EXACT SAME HEALING SESSION that I facilitate for my 1:1 Distance Healing Clients.

  • Animals are very sensitive and respond very well to the frequencies of healingy. If you are scheduling for a pet, I recommend scheduling my 30-minute distance healing session. If you would like to relax with your pet during this time, that can be very comforting for your pet. We will not connect online before your pet’s session. You will be invited to connect with me via email after your session is complete.

What’s keeping you

from healing?

Life challenges and earth realities can keep us in a state of discomfort, disempowerment, and dis-ease. We often look outside of ourselves for healing and peace. We tend to forget, or may not realize, the innate power we have within ourselves to heal.

The stress of everyday life, past trauma, destructive habits or lifestyles, habitual fear-based thinking, and limiting beliefs all play a role in how your mind, body, and emotions interact with the world.

The longer one ignores the need to harmonize and heal from the root cause of the disorder or dis-ease, the greater the chances for the imbalance to persist and grow more destructive to your health and your life.

Quantum Healing and your current medical care

You may have tried everything from traditional to holistic medicine and feel frustrated and like your getting nowhere. I get it! I was a practicing Registered Nurse for 28 years and have seen the holes in our current system.

Quantum Energy Healing isn’t a replacement for your current medical care; it works in complement to help balance out what may be missing.

  • While many of my clients hope for a specific healing, please be open to whatever kind of healing unfolds within you. This allows you to experience different forms of physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing that you may not be consciously aware of otherwise.

    It is important to know that healing does not always mean curing a specific disease or disorder. Healing is optimized when your body, mind, emotions, and energy are balanced and in alignment with the organizing energy of the Universe. This, in turn, will help amplify your innate ability to heal.

    Additionally, please know that your healing does not depend on what you may or may not "feel" during your session. While deep inner peace, clarity, increased energy, and decreased pain and anxiety are frequently reported, the harmonizing frequencies of quantum healing will help you energetically align with higher healing regardless of how you feel during your session.

    It is not unusual for various types of healing to continue to evolve and unfold for days and weeks after a session is complete.

  • I love working with animals of all kinds. They are so receptive to the healing frequencie. Maybe because they don’t have the expectations or a lifetime of limting beliefs us humans have.

    It is common during healing sessions for animals for them to have almost immediate signs of relaxation such as deep breathing, sighing, and falling asleep. Relief from pain and anxiety are commonly noticed and reported. I facilitate healing sessions for my 13 year old German Shepherd quite often. He lays on his bed and seems to go into a blissful, dreamlike state. He is alway refreshed and calm after his the sessions.

Outcomes of Quantum Healing_Shannon MacDonald_reiki master_Daytona Beach, FL

Client Experiences after Quantum Healing Sessions

While no two healing sessions are ever the same, and results cannot be guaranteed, below are some of the life-shifting experiences from my clients.

  • Feelings of profound peace and deep relaxation.

  • Immediate and ongoing relief from pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia.

  • Profound reconnection with God/Source/Universe and Self.

  • Released fear of the future, stagnant energy, and toxic emotions.

  • Transformation of disempowering habits and self-sabotaging patterns.

  • Amplified intuition and extrasensory abilities.

  • New levels of clarity, inspiration, joy, passion, and purpose.

  • Renewed energy, vitality, and zest for life.

Experience life-changing TRANSFORMATION

Schedule Your Quantum Energy Healing Sessions Below

My Distance Healing Sessions are easily scheduled from anywhere in the world!

Read what my clients have to say