Shannon MacDonald

Bestselling Author, Spiritual Channel, Ascension Guide

Find Your Frequency, Regain Your Power, and Love Your Life!

I have learned that the life we experience primarily follows the path of how we feel and what we believe and focus on the most.

When we feel powerless or disconnected, believe we are limited, and focus on fear, we fall into the illusions of a false reality. We forfeit our divine inheritance as Conscious Creators. Many unknowingly settle for a life that leaves them feeling they are victims of circumstance and don’t realize that the power to transform comes from within.

My mission is to support your awakening awareness and help you shift your magnetic qualities so you can manifest the life you dream of!

  • Shannon MacDonald is a bestselling author, spiritual channel, healer, and ascension guide known for her unique approach to navigating the complexities of spiritual awakening. Through her gentle guidance and intuitive insights, she has empowered countless individuals to shift limiting beliefs and disempowering patterns, activate dormant consciousness, achieve profound healing, and overcome challenges in their search for higher truth. Shannon’s work provides vital support and insightful guidance for those on their journey of spiritual awakening, higher healing, and personal transformation.

    During her career as a registered nurse, Shannon discovered her innate calling as a healer. She observed significant reductions in physical and emotional pain, along with profound and unexpected healing, when applying energetic healing techniques. This realization led her to delve deeper into energy healing, exploring various modalities such as Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Reconnective Healing, and Quantum Healing.

    Shannon’s mission and expertise lie in helping others raise their frequency, access higher awareness, and activate dormant potentials. Her unique ability to channel Ascension Frequencies has transformed countless lives, fostering profound spiritual growth and healing across past, present, parallel, and multidimensional lifetimes.

    Living in Florida with her husband and their cherished German Shepherd, Shannon values time spent with loved ones, exploring nature, cycling, and enjoying motorcycle rides. Her life’s work is devoted to helping others elevate their consciousness and create positive shifts in their lives. Shannon offers exceptional guidance and support for those seeking a more meaningful, purposeful, and enlightened existence.

I am here to remind you that Conscious Creation is your birthright and that Ascension is not a place but a state of being that patiently waits for you to remember.

The Universe Speaks, and I Listen

Throughout my life, I have had a profound sense of wonder and a deep connection to the mysteries and energy of the Universe. I knew there was more to the world than how it appeared and what I was taught to believe.

The Universe has many things for me to remember during my time on this earth. I have learned to listen closely to everything It has to tell me. I consider myself blessed to know my purpose as an Emissary of The Light and help guide others through their process of Awakening and Ascension.

Our beliefs, who we think we are, and what we focus on the most literally shapes our reality.

Connecting with Consciousness

Over the years, as my connection with Universal Consciousness grew, I began to develop relationships with higher, more harmonious realms of reality.

During my spiritual journeys, I was given specific messages regarding my Starseed mission and my role in The Great Awakening to help people remember their truth, rise above fear, and break free from the programs of conditioned consciousness.

There is a magnetic resonance within our thoughts and words that carries the energetic signature of our creative power and infinite potentials. I am committed to helping you remember your truth and embody your superconscious life.

It’s Who You Are that Matters!

I have come to know what I do in this life is not as important as who I am. I am a vessel and a voice for higher awareness and Divine Consciousness. My books and services are a part of my mission to share what I know to help you remember your truth, reclaim your power, and support your awakening.

You are more than who you think you are and what you believe you are capable of becoming.

Discover how I can help you RISE higher, REMEMBER more, and HEAL for real!

Your words are your wand and your feelings are the future. So choose your words wisely and speak them only with an open heart and loving mind.
— Shannon MacDonald

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Look beyond what you think you see. Look though the eyes of your soul. The Universe is calling for your Awakening
— Shannon MacDonald