What is The Great Awakening from a Spiritual View?
Have you noticed yourself questioning things you once believed or thought you knew? Do you find yourself disengaging from the narratives of fear and false information gushing from the media? Are you tired of the finger-pointing, blaming, shaming, and division running rampant in society and know there is a better way to unify and heal? You may be experiencing something known as The Great Awakening.
What is The Great Awakening, and What Does it Feel Like?
The Great Awakening is occurring to humanity as a whole and is part of an evolutionary cycle of Ascension. As we tune in to our higher awareness our minds become open to deep spiritual truths that we may not have been aware of before.
Awakening can feel like you are emerging from a dream where everything seemed real, but it was just your perception and belief at the time. Awakening often takes some adjustment as you evaluate your newly expanded awareness with blurry eyes and tender trepidation.
Many are awakening as they begin to look beyond the curtain of false narratives fueled by fear and motivated by control-based agendas. The Great Awakening is not something one completely comprehends until the blinders of limiting beliefs and fear-based programming are removed.
As people awaken, they often realize they have been deep asleep in the programs of conditioned awareness fueled by worldly distractions of fear, control, and illusion. It can be startling and even uncomfortable to learn that many things we used to believe are often products of our programming.
What Happens When You Become Spiritually Awakened?
When you begin to wake up, you look beyond the programs embedded within society that tell you how to think, speak, believe, and behave. You may begin to question the narratives or what you used to think or believe while asking, “Is this true, and how do I know?”.
The more you turn your attention away from the narratives (i.e. the programs of fear and control) and trust your inner vision and higher awareness, the more you will begin to remember the truth. Not the truth as you are told to believe, but the truth as you KNOW it from deep within your cosmic consciousness.
Truth is not something that can hide within the minds of humanity forever. It may lay dormant in our subconscious for years or even a lifetime, but it is always looking for a window to open within our higher awareness so it can remind us of just how powerful and connected we are.
As we collectively awaken, we stand together in our knowingness that we are one human race on this place we call Earth. We begin to remember the truth of who we are as infinite and eternal beings that carry the Divine Light within. It is not unusual to experience an emergence of dormant extrasensory abilities and spiritual gifts and remember that our higher awareness holds the answers to unite and heal humanity.
The more you look beyond the programs you awaken to a state of unconditioned awareness. You become liberated from the agendas that tell you what to think and believe. You are set FREE!
Take some time to let this sink in. Then, take some time to sit quietly with yourself as you allow your mind to connect with your heart and higher awareness. This is where you will remember the love, light, beauty, and truth of The Great Awakening.
Breaking Free
I write books to support Awakened Living. If you would like to learn how you can liberate yourself from the programs of conditioned awareness my book, Breaking Free, is a good place to begin.
New Earth Rising
If you are a bit bolder and crave more in-depth information, I suggest my channeled book New Earth Rising.