What is the Divine Feminine and How to Awaken Your Inner Goddess
Awakening Your Inner Goddess and Divine Feminine Energy
There is a global awakening occurring within the hearts and minds of humanity. This Great Awakening is ushering in the remembrance of the Inner Goddess. As humankind sits on the precipice of rising to the higher consciousness of New Earth, the wisdom of the ages calls us to remember and reclaim our sacred heritage, divine wisdom, and eternal beauty of The Goddess Within.
What is the Inner Goddess?
Your Inner Goddess is the part of you that has no beginning or end. It is the truth of who you are as a being of eternal life and infinite creation. It is not confined to a physical body or limiting belief systems. It is whole, unchanging, all-knowing, and ever-present. Your Inner Goddess is you without your current reality-based perceptions and beliefs that have made you forget who you really are.
Awakening Your Inner Goddess
Awakening your Inner Goddess simply means remembering the truth of who you are. It is not reserved for women only. Awakening is spiritual and transcends gender. It unlocks the door to your higher knowing and inner vision. When one becomes awakened, they begin to see past the programs of conditioned awareness as they open their eyes to spiritual truth.
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are not physical traits but aspects of the Universal Energy of Life and Creation. They represent qualities that help us balance our physical life with our higher awareness. As one awakens their Inner Goddess or Inner God as some may prefer, they are tuning in to Sacred Feminine and Masculine Energies of Divine Consciousness.
Both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energy exist within everyone. They can quickly become out of balance when we don’t honor our true selves or cloud our minds with fear-based awareness and limiting beliefs. As humanity becomes spiritually awakened, we remember more of this truth. While the Divine Masculine is equally important, this article focuses on the Divine Feminine aspect of your true nature.
What is Divine Feminine Energy?
The Divine Feminine radiates the dynamic energy of creation and change. It is the power that brings life into existence. Not just human life, but all manifestations in our physical realm of reality, and beyond.
Other qualities associated with the Divine Feminine are sensuality, self-expression, empathy, intuition, nurturing, higher wisdom, and regeneration, to name a few. Don’t let this name fool you into thinking there is weakness or passivity. When one taps into their Divine Feminine Energy, it can be used as a catalyst for change or as a fierce warrior to defend and protect.
When you awaken your Inner Goddess, you are in honoring your Divine Feminine Energy. You are able to see your life with more clarity as you connect with your higher awareness and inner strength. As you look inside yourself for answers vs. being caught up in the chaos and confusion of life you become a self-assured conscious creator.
How to Awaken Your Inner Goddess
Awakening your Inner Goddess is a process of remembering your truth and looking at life through a new lens. As you stand in the place of looking beyond what you think you see or thought you believed, you may begin to question limiting beliefs or re-think self-sabotaging patterns. As you tune in to your higher self, you will receive insights to help you remember more.
Meditation is a great first step to awakening your Inner Goddess and receiving wisdom from your higher self. Your Inner Goddess awakening may take some time to cultivate as you begin to see your life and the world from a higher perspective. It is important to be patient and kind to yourself during this time. It can be helpful to share your discoveries with other people who are also on the path of awakening.
Your Inner Goddess and Your Life Purpose
Most of my readers and clients are women. A common theme among them is the desire to make meaningful change, heal wounds from the past and connect with their life purpose. Feelings of powerlessness, unworthiness, uncertainty, and fear often cripple their ability to transcend self-sabotaging patterns, destructive relationships, and limiting beliefs. They buy my books and schedule services with me because they want more clarity and are looking for answers. My job is to help them remember.
A Divine Feminine Women’s Affirmation Book to Help You Remember Your Inner Goddess
My women’s affirmation book, I Am She, was written for women ready to remember the truth of who they are as they awaken to their Inner Goddess and embody their Divine Feminine Energy.
From maiden, mother, to crone, every woman embodies the sacred heritage of The Goddess Within. Many of us are beginning to remember the love, light, beauty, and truth of who we are and celebrate the radiance of our Light. Remembering this truth is awakening to the answers that come from within.
May you remember your truth and awaken to your sacred life!