As Viewed, So Appears - Awakening from the Dream

What would you say if I told you that you are living in a dream and that your dream holds infinite opportunities for you to experience a captive or liberated life? Not only that, this living dream contains everything you believe and paints it into the canvas of your reality. Wherever your predominant attention goes, the dream keeps creating more of the same — more fear, lack, and limitation, or more love, abundance, and liberation.

As Viewed, So Appears

Let’s take a step back just for a moment as we reflect on a Buddhist saying, “As Viewed, So Appears.”

Let me begin by saying I don’t know much about Buddhism. I just know that when I discovered As Viewed, So Appears, I had to learn more. It resembles an expression from my book, Mastering Manifestation, which is:

“As You Believe, So You Perceive.”

So, when I found As Viewed, So Appears (or I should say it found me), it stirred something deep inside of me, and I was driven to learn more.

In Mastering Manifestation, I write about how we are all products of a lifetime of beliefs, which have been carefully and craftily molded into our reality. From education, media, politics, and religion, we are taught, told, and programmed to believe in certain ways. Don’t think this is true? Turn on the TV and watch a few commercials. How many of those commercials are from drug companies telling you that you need a pill to make you happier, healthier, or more active? You may be surprised when you start paying attention to this.

Conversely, how many commercials talk about how your daily intake of healthy food and positive information, regular exercise, managing your stress, and monitoring your awareness are foundational steps to a healthier life? None, of course, because who would pay for those?

Are We Asleep in a Dream?

As we are continually bombarded with agendas that control and influence almost every aspect of society, our beliefs are easily programmed. We often forget that our true nature is a divine and limitless expression of Source. Our individual expressions and highest potentials become thwarted by fear and limitation-based beliefs, which keep us asleep in the dream of forgetfulness.

What does this have to do with As Viewed, So Appears? My short answer is Everything!

Let’s step into the realm of quantum physics just for a moment. I promise it won’t be for long, but it is important to write about it here.

Are We All One?

My basic understanding of the quantum universe is that it holds every possibility, potential, and reality as reflected within the mind of the observer.

The Universe is not separate from us; it is us.

We are all collective dreamers within the one mind of Divine Consciousness. As Viewed, So Appears magnetizes the experiences of our reality as we believe and observe them to be.

You are the dreamer and the dream and the experience in between.

My expression, As We Believe, So We See, is an integral process of Imagination Creation that I go into detail about in my book Mastering Manifestation. When our thoughts and beliefs are predominately supercharged with the energy of love, hope, peace, prosperity, and positivity, our lives tend to magnetize more experiences that reflect those qualities. When our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are predominately focused on the energy of fear, hopelessness, limitation, judgment, and negativity, our lives seem to spiral into a negative feedback loop of our own projections.

We become what we focus on from one moment to the next.

How we believe and perceive leads the way to awakening as we become liberated from the programs of conditioning. Conversely, we stay asleep in the dream of forgetfulness. My channeled book, New Earth Rising, also speaks to The Great Awakening and The Great Liberation of human consciousness.

Awakening from the Dream of Forgetfulness

You can wake up from the dream of forgetfulness and create a new dream for your life. We are all here to explore and experience the wonders and lessons our physical form offers. Do you desire to be happier, healthier, more peaceful, and prosperous? Do you wish to have more clarity or find more meaning and purpose in your life? I have another saying that can literally change your life today.

Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

As your predominant energy flows between the infinite expanse of vibrations between the energy of love or fear, you have endless opportunities to shift your primary awareness. We all have opportunities to follow our highest guidance and awaken from the dream of forgetfulness. We also have just as many chances to stay asleep. More about this in my book, Breaking Free.

As our world is undergoing a state of unprecedented chaos and destruction, many people are choosing to shift their awareness from the limiting forces of fear that are programmed within society. More are remembering their true nature of love and unity consciousness. They begin to flow within the stream of truth and the ocean of Oneness. This brings me to another powerful statement from Mastering Manifestation.

Focus not on what you see, but how you want your world to be.

Within the yin is also the yang. Those who dream the world from the eyes of fear, separation, lack, and limitation continue to project these observations into their reality. They remain stuck in a loop of more of the same. Their lives reflect what they dream as their beliefs stay focused on the illusions within the energy of fear and limiting beliefs. This is not to pass judgment; this is just reality as I see it.

I will emphasize that this applies to your primary and predominant awareness, not transitory feelings such as anger, sadness, regret, or sadness. We’re human, and we all have circumstances that can bring us down or break our hearts.

It’s how we rise from our ashes of darkness and devastation that determines how we decide to dream our next dream.

Let’s Dream Together!

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Navigating Ascension Symptoms: A Guide to Spiritual Awakening and Higher Healing

As we wake up to the truth of reality and look beyond the programs of fear and limiting beliefs, we rise in our awareness while unifying our hearts. We essentially are dreaming the dream of liberation of consciousness and ascension for all of humanity!

The ascension of our consciousness relies on how we decide to believe and therefore perceive our reality. There is always room for others to think and perceive differently. The great experience of life gives us opportunities to exercise our free will to stay asleep or wake up from the dream of forgetfulness. When you awaken, you have a better chance to create new dreams that help propel you to your best life and greatest self

My great dream for humanity is for us to choose our beliefs wisely and guide them with an open mind and loving heart.

I’m here to help support your awakening so you can dream your best life. 

Explore my Free Quantum Energy Healing, Ascension Code Activation, and Transformational Books today!

With much love, dear dreamer,



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