Benefits and Differences Between Reiki and Quantum Energy Healing

My clients are often curious about the benefits and differences between Reiki and Quantum Energy Healing. As a metaphysical healer who is also a Reiki Master, they want to know if I also "do" Reiki.

Quantum Healing and Reiki are two types of holistic healing practices under the broad umbrella of energy healing. They are both sought after to help the body return to a natural state of balance and help facilitate self-healing

You may have heard of other types of energy healing, such as Qigong, Healing Touch, Vibrational Energy Healing, Reconnective Healing, and Spiritual Healing. The list goes on, so I won't attempt to name them all. The origins vary, and so does the training. The important thing to know is that all types of energy healing are beneficial. They can be an excellent addition to complement your current wellness plan. 

My Progression from Reiki to Quantum Energy Healing

My Reiki attunement over two decades ago gave me a vital foundation for my energy healing practice. I will compare Reiki to a first love. It is something I will always cherish and appreciate. As time goes on, we often experiment and experience other relationships while we learn and evolve through our lives. That has been my path with energy healing.

Over the years, I have studied and practiced various forms of energy healing, from Healing Touch, Reconnective Healing, and Spiritual Healing. I look at my progression from Reiki to Quantum Energy Healing as one would look at graduating from one class to another. I took what I learned from one modality while evolving into another.

The more I fine-tuned my healing practice through following my higher guidance and observing my client's transformational experiences, it became clear that Quantum Healing was a natural progression to the next level of energy healing that was waiting for me to expand into.

As far as Reiki, I will always be a Reiki Master. That cannot change, just like your first love will always be your first love. The beauty of Quantum Healing is that I have taken the best aspects of what I have learned from other energy healing modalities and blended them into what I consider to be a gold standard for my healing practice. This allows me to be the best vessel for my my client’s highest healing potentials.

Choosing Reiki or Quantum Healing

Choosing an energy healing modality is a personal preference and a choice often made through research and intuition. Let’s take a brief look to compare Reiki and Quantum Healing. Please realize that that the descriptions below are cliff notes for a much deeper discussion.

Reiki is a Japanese term for life force energy. A Reiki practitioner will channel or guide the flow of energy through the body to help a person come back into balance, which supports relaxation and the body’s innate healing potential. It usually involves light touch or the placement of the practitioner’s hands near the receiver’s body at specific energetic areas. With traditional Reiki, the practitioner incorporates positive healing intentions and imaging with sacred symbols to help enhance the healing experience.

Quantum Healing provides a Soul-to-Soul connection to help the receiver energetically harmonize with the organizing frequencies of Higher Consciousness. The harmonic vibrational coherence present in a healing session acts as a superconductor to activate higher healing and spiritual awakening. The energetic re-balancing is known to bring profound transformational physical, emotional, and spiritual outcomes. Sessions are non-touch and often expressed as dreamlike and deeply peaceful. They may be facilitated in person and are equally effective by distance.

I don't believe there is any right or wrong when it comes to energy healing. There are as many flavors, styles, and beliefs of energy healing practices as there are practitioners. Really, it's what works best for the practitioner and resonates most with the client. I think most quantum energy healers and reiki masters would agree that they work with the energy of light and love. For me, Quantum Energy Healing is working in unison with Higher Consciousness.


Quantum Healing to Support Higher Healing and Spiritual Harmony for Mind, Body, and Soul.

In my experience, I believe Quantum Energy Healing is one of the best holistic energy healing practices available today. It is a whole-person approach to help your mind, body, and soul align with your highest healing and infinite potentials.

Whether you schedule a 1:1 distance healing session or sign up for my monthly group healing subscription, my Quantum Healing Sessions provide a Soul-to-Soul connection to help you energetically harmonize with the organizing frequencies of Higher Consciousness to support optimal healing and spiritual awakening.

Learn about my Quantum Energy Healing Sessions and Schedule Sessions Here.

Your body is a vessel for your passion to flow, your purpose to grow, and your Soul to shine!

💫 Shannon MacDonald


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