What Are You Supposed to Remember? Waking From the Dream of Forgetfulness and Fulfilling Your Life Purpose
There is a Deeper Truth to Forgotten Memories
You know that nagging feeling you get when you know there is something you are forgetting? The more you try to remember, the more distant it becomes. It’s not like you misplaced your keys, or forgot to add your dentist appointment to the calendar. It’s something else — much deeper, and more personal. You know it’s important, yet it may feel like a dream that fades from your memory the moment you wake up.
There is something you are meant to do, accomplish, become, or access during your life on this earth beyond your worldly objectives. Many of us are not aware of what that is, or how to get there. In my books, Mastering Manifestation and New Earth Rising, I call this the dream of forgetfulness. Your life is more than worldly goals or desires. You have a mission from beyond the realm of your current reality calling you to wake up and remember the reason you are here.
It’s easy to get caught up in the busy pace of modern life. From school, jobs, relationships, kids, finances, and all the responsibilities in between, we tend to see life as one continuous stream of linear actions, events, circumstances, responsibilities, and outcomes. Finding the time to think about your life purpose or soul’s mission may not be at the top of your “to-do” list. But still, you feel that something is missing, or there is something more.
The Song of Your Soul
I believe we are here to explore, experience, learn, and evolve as souls having a human experience on this physical plane of reality. Each of us is the dreamer of our own destiny within the one great dream of Life and Creation. We all hold the vibration of Unity Consciousness, yet have infinite opportunities to radiate our energy and personal essence through our individual channels of awareness.
The song of your soul is your unique vibration that is ever available to guide you through life. It carries the harmonic resonance of your divine nature and the truth of who you are as a being of eternal life and infinite creation. The more you tune into your song, the more you begin to remember who you are and how your life purpose or soul’s mission is meant to be fulfilled.
Who Are You and Why Are You Here?
Waking up from the dream of forgetfulness often happens in stages. I go into this in detail in Mastering Manifestation. The more we awaken, the more we move away from the programs of a conditioned reality and step into our power as conscious creators.
The first step to waking up is realizing you are more than who you think you are. Once you begin to look at your beliefs and ask yourself, “Is this true, and how do I know?” you are on the path to remembering your mission and magnetizing more opportunities to fulfill your purpose.
Are You in a Hurry and Don’t Know Why?
It’s not unusual to worry and stress about things you can’t have, do, accomplish, or become. You may feel as though you are rushing through life and don’t have enough time to do it all. You may be repeating self-destructive or limiting patterns or habits that keep you from living the life you dream of. Obstacles, challenges, events, and even other people may seem like they are standing in the way of your personal happiness and fulfillment.
I understand how a fast-paced life and escalating responsibilities can bring you to the brink of self-defeat, doubt, and despair. You may feel like a gerbil spinning on the wheel and never going anywhere.
I would like to invite you to think of your life as sacred, and that you can accomplish more by slowing down.
The more you hurry towards getting it all done with attachments to specific expectations and outcomes, the more you worry you can’t, and visa-versa. Your life becomes a living prayer, when you release the worry and need to control outcomes and place your primary awareness on how you dream your life to look, feel, and be.
Part of awakening from the dream of forgetfulness is remembering your true nature as an eternal being who has infinite potentials to magnetize the life you were born to live. You may have temporarily forgotten this deep truth, but I assure you that you hold all the magic and memories within you to do just that!
Mastering Manifestation
If you would like more information about waking up from the dream of forgetfulness and tuning into the song of your soul, grab a copy of my book, Mastering Manifestation, on Amazon. You will learn how to use the 12 Keys of Conscious Creation and the Secret of Attraction Energy to remember your purpose and magnetize the life of your dreams.
New Earth Rising
If you have been waiting to know what you are here to do or how you can be of service to the world, my channeled book, New Earth Rising on Amazon is a catalyst to help awaken a cosmic remembrance of our lost heritage and divine destiny. Each message unlocks a deeper layer of inner truth to help liberate your mind from false reality programs and attune your vibration to Divine Codes of Consciousness in preparation for New Earth Ascension.
All my love dear dreamer!
💗 Shannon MacDonald