Seven Signs You May Be An Earth Angel

Earth Angels Are Among Us

Have you ever heard of Earth Angels? You might not know them by name, but you know them by their Light. This is the same Light that connects each of us to the truth of who we are as beings of eternal life and infinite creation. Earth Angels are special people who share a common mission to be of service to humanity. You can feel the positive energy and loving vibes of an Earth Angel even in a crowded room.

Are You an Earth Angel?

There is no entrance exam, exclusive list, or special training to be an Earth Angel. Earth Angels hold the desire to be of service to the Earth, humanity, and all living things. They continually strive to walk the walk of love, compassion, and true acceptance of all diversity and ways of thinking. They surrender to the illusion of ego and limitation held within the energy of fear and separation that grips most of humanity.

Earth Angels are not perfect, and they make mistakes just like everyone else. However, they are guided by divine love and are deeply connected to the universe. They usually have a desire to fulfill their mission or destiny while making a positive impact on the world. Their hearts are the receivers and senders of communication and miracles between the physical and non-physical realms of The Divine Universe.

Earth Angels hold the light and love of Divinity within them, as we all do. The difference is, that they have a deep inner knowing that this light and love is what radiates the harmony, healing, and truth for ALL THINGS. When this remembrance of the Truth Within is activated, they open to the spiritual gifts held within their life purpose.

Earth Angels who have awakened to their missions don’t let fear or negativity control their lives. They all have a deep knowing they are here to help our planet in some way. If their mission is not evident, they are still helping humanity by radiating the Light and being themselves.

If you think you may be an Earth Angel, know that you have the power to make a positive impact on the world. You just need to follow your heart and remember your true nature as an infinite and eternal emissary of the Light who is here to elevate humanity to a higher realm of consciousness.

Earth Angels in Human Form

Because Earth Angels breathe within human bodies (animals too, but that is another post), they can and do fall victim to false evidence appearing to be real or FEAR. This includes the mass programming and conditioning of society.

Earth Angels can become weakened and forget the truth of who they are and what they are here to do, be, and create. They sometimes forget that their individual emotional, and spiritual healing directly affects the collective healing of the world. The more they fall into the fog of forgetfulness created by division, judgment, greed, corruption, conditioning, and chaos of physical life and society, the less they remember their true nature as Earth Angels and their mission in life to shine their Light and be of service.

Seven Signs You May Be an Earth Angel

  1. You show love and compassion to everyone in your life. You send positive thoughts and healing energy to those around you.

  2. You have a smile that brings hope and forgiveness to those who are suffering or caught in the programs of their beliefs. You are quick to forgive and don’t hold grudges.

  3. You always wish the best for everyone, even those who are unjust or hurtful. You don’t have to agree but you still want the best for them.

  4. People often tell you that you have a calming presence and that they feel better just by being around you.

  5. You are mindful of your thoughts and where you place your attention. While fear, negativity, or other people’s opinions don’t control your life, you may be easily taken advantage of due to your loving, giving nature.

  6. You feel like you have a specific mission or purpose in life. You are called to serve others and make a positive impact on the world.

  7. You may feel as though you are not from here or are not like other people. You may have difficulty understanding the chaos, division, and corruption of the world and relating to people who demonstrate such qualities.

Awaken to Your Earth Angel

If you want to awaken your Earth Angel, there are many ways to do so. You can start by practicing love and compassion in your daily life, meditating, connecting with nature, and listening to guidance from your higher self.

Being authentic and compassionate with yourself and others is essential while allowing yourself grace when you make mistakes. Remember, you are not here to be perfect. You are a human who creates, experiences life and learns from your lessons.

You are an Earth Angel when you follow the path of your loving heart, divine purpose, and illuminated Soul.

How to Support Being Your Best Earth Angel

Being your best Earth Angel is an ongoing process of self-reflection and re-direction. You may need to learn how to change some of your disempowering habits or limiting beliefs. My books, Mastering Manifestation and Breaking Free will give you some revolutionary ideas and exercises on how to awaken to your higher purpose and meet your life with renewed passion and clarity. My divine feminine affirmation book for Women, I Am She, provides meaningful affirmations to help you reclaim your Inner Goddess.

Remember, you have the power to help raise the vibration of Earth Realm Reality and make a positive impact on the world. You can begin by embracing your Earth Angel and letting your Light shine!

From one Earth Angel to another, what do you need to do to remember and claim that you are an Earth Angel?

Much love,

Shannon MacDonald

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